Sébastien Rochette
Tech Project Manager with 10+ years of experience in Tech and Data Science, specializing in project management, continuous improvement, and Lean Management.
Expert in software development and geospatial data manipulation, I ensure the delivery of high-quality solutions while uniting teams and optimizing processes. As a manager since 2021, I support my team in a collaborative, motivating, and respectful environment, integrating DevOps practices.
Professional Experience
2022 - 2024: IT Service Production Manager – ThinkR
Responsible for the production of services for the development of custom software and web solutions. Team leader with a Lean, human-centered approach and a commitment to quality.
- Technical and financial project estimation: Analyzing client needs, resource planning, and team workload distribution to ensure results aligned with expectations.
- Team management and project oversight: Promoting the quality of deliverables and implementing continuous improvement practices for both products and personal development of team members.
- Training and onboarding new recruits: Implementing onboarding and skill development processes to ensure their long-term success.
- Developing reliable and robust web products: Creating integrated solutions with R, documented, tested, and continuously delivered to users using Docker and CI/CD, Linux server maintenance.
Key skills: IT project management (planning, budget estimation), Agile methodologies (Lean) and continuous improvement, Team management and HR support, Software development and quality (R, HTML, php), Stakeholder communication, DevOps (git, CI/CD, Docker, kanban)
2018 - 2021: Project Manager, Consultant, and R Trainer - ThinkR
Project manager and trainer specializing in Data Science and software development using the R language, committed to designing open-source solutions.
- Client project management: Planning, estimation, and monitoring for public and private clients, with mastery of deadlines and adherence to specifications.
- Tech Lead: Technical support and training for team members, ensuring the delivery of solutions that meet expectations.
- Development of Shiny web applications: Designing interactive tools to simplify the visualization and analysis of complex data.
- Automation of DevOps/DataOps processes and infrastructure maintenance: Linux server maintenance, Documentation, API, automated tests, dockerisation, continuous integration (CI/CD), and deployment to ensure the use and sustainability of solutions.
- Training and communication: Conducting R training for users of all levels, national and international conferences, and creating educational materials.
Key skills: IT project management, Expertise in Data Science and open-source tools (R, Shiny, HTML, php, PostgreSQL), GIS, DevOps/DataOps (CI/CD, test automation), Technical training and pedagogy, Communication and popularization
2016 - 2018: Freelance - Training and Consulting - StatnMap
Independent consultant in Data Science and cartography, offering personalized analysis and training services.
- Creating tailored training, in particular for geocomputation: Developing custom materials for learning R, QGIS, and cartography tools.
- Geospatial analysis: Conducting projects for organizations requiring expertise in processing and visualizing geographic data.
- Knowledge dissemination: Running a website dedicated to best practices in R and cartography, sharing tips and tools with the community.
Key skills: Geospatial data analysis and visualization, Training, Expertise in cartographic tools (QGIS, R), Technical communication
2011 - 2016: Researcher in Marine Species Distribution Modeling - Ifremer, Brest
Marine ecology researcher specializing in developing analytical tools for ecosystem management and conservation.
- Species distribution modeling: Creating models to guide marine conservation decisions.
- Habitat mapping: Developing decision support tools for biodiversity conservation stakeholders.
- Interdisciplinary collaboration: Working with other researchers to produce flexible and adapted tools.
Key skills: Environmental modeling and data analysis, Interdisciplinary collaboration, Scientific communication, Applied research project management
2011: Post-Doctorate - SAHFOS, Plymouth, UK
Collaborative research on plankton-fish interactions in marine ecosystems.
- Ecological spatio-temporal data analysis: Spatio-temporal modeling of species to explore trophic interactions.
- Scientific dissemination: Communicating results for applications in sustainable marine resource management.
Key skills: Quantitative modeling, Scientific communication, International collaboration
2008 – 2011: PhD in Fisheries Science. Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes.
Research on the impacts of anthropogenic and environmental disturbances on sole populations.
- Multi-scale spatio-temporal modeling: Complete life cycle of soles, integrating ecological and anthropogenic factors.
- Analytical tools for stock management: Providing predictive models to decision-makers.
Key skills: Environmental analysis, Development of modeling tools, Scientific results communication
2002: Laboratory Analyst. Cargill France, Saint-Nazaire
Analysis and quality control of seeds and derived products (meal).
Key skills: Quality control, Laboratory analysis techniques, Agri-food
- 2021: Lean Management, continuous improvement. “Learning To Scale” training
- 2008 – 2011: PhD in Fisheries Science. Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes.
- 2004 – 2007: Agricultural engineering school. Specialization in fisheries science. Agrocampus Ouest (École Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie de Rennes).
- 2003 – 2004: Preparatory school. ENITA and ENSA entrance exams. Lycée Théodore Monod, Le Rheu.
- 2001 – 2003: Higher Technician Certificate. Biochemistry. Lycée Notre-Dame, Le Mans.
Presentations in conferences
=> https://github.com/statnmap/prez/
Here I store my presentations in conferences as PDF.
2023-11 - You may have already written a package and not even know it
2022-11 - Gestion de GitLab automatisée avec {gitlabr} - Meetup R Nantes
2021-07 - {fusen}: Créer un package R à partir de simples fichiers Rmarkdown - Rencontres R Paris
2021-07 - Use {fusen} to write or upgrade a package - UseR 2021
- Youtube video is available for UseR attendees there, starting at 22’40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjM7sG1Lpc4
- Related package presented : {fusen}
2021-05 - How to build a package with the Rmd first method? - Hebrew R User Group Lille
- Package build during presentation : {squirrels.fusen}
- Related package presented : {fusen}
2021-04 - How to build a package with the Rmd first method? - Meetup R Lille
- Package build during presentation : {squirrels.fusen}
- List of questions and answers on HackMd : https://hackmd.io/2WEGjlnsTNa1-6k_ztAMZA?view
- Watch video on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=febuOcS70t4
- Related package presented : {fusen}
2020-10 - Development workflow at ThinkR: PROPRE, DataOps and DevOps workflows - ecoinfoFAIR2020
- Watch video at FOSDEM 2020: https://video.fosdem.org/2020/AW1.126/open_research_shareable_workflow.mp4
- See related blog post (FR) : https://thinkr.fr/transformer-plusieurs-scripts-eparpilles-en-beau-package-r/
2019-07 - The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with documentation - useR Toulouse
- See this blog post: https://rtask.thinkr.fr/rmd-first-when-development-starts-with-documentation
- Watch video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/cB1BCxFbhtk
2019-02 - Everything but maps with spatial tools - SatRday Paris (EN)
- Watch video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Gwb1aeD_sVs
- Get the (not totally reproducible) Rmd of the presentation
2018-07 - Les SIG et la cartographie avec R - Rencontres R (FR)
- See this blog post (FR & EN) for this presentation: https://statnmap.com/2018-07-14-introduction-to-mapping-with-sf-and-co/
Open-source contributions
- My github account : https://github.com/statnmap
- See category open-source on this website
2019 Sébastien Rochette, & Marion Louveaux. (2019, January 25). VisualExpert: A Shiny web interface for expert image comparison (Version v0.0.1). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2549677
2018 Marion Louveaux, & Sébastien Rochette. (2018, October 19). mamut2r: a R package to import and visualize xml files from the MaMuT Fiji plugin (Version v0.0.2). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1467431
Marion Louveaux, & Sébastien Rochette. (2018, October 18). mgx2r: a R package for importing meshes and cell graph files from MorphoGraphX software (Version v0.0.2). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1466047
Rochette S. (2017, September 18). SDMSelect: A R-package for cross-validation model selection and species distribution mapping. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.894344
* See associated blog posts
Scientific papers
2017 Petit T., Bajjouk T., Mouquet P., Rochette S., Vozel B., Delacourt C. (2017). Hyperspectral remote sensing of coral reefs by semi-analytical model inversion – Comparison of different inversion setups. Remote Sensing of Environment, ISSN: 0034-4257, Vol: 190, Page: 348-365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.01.004
Peck M. A., Arvanitidis C., Butenschön M., Canu D. M., Chatzinikolaou E., Cucco A., Domenici P., Fernandes J. A., Gasche L., Huebert K. B., Hufnagl M., Jones M. C., Kempf A., Keyl F., Maar M., Mahévas S., Marchal P., Nicolas D., Pinnegar J. K., Rivot E., Rochette S., Sell A. F., Sinerchia M., Solidoro C., Somerfield P. J., Teal L. R., Travers-Trolet M., Van De Wolfshaar K. E. (2017). Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: A critical review of the suite of modeling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Volume 201, 5 February 2018, Pages 40-55. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.019
Louveaux, M., Rochette, S., Beauzamy, L., Boudaoud, A. and Hamant, O. (2016), The impact of mechanical compression on cortical microtubules in Arabidopsis: a quantitative pipeline. Plant J. Volume88, Issue2, Pages 328-342. doi:10.1111/tpj.13290
* A blog article on the R-Shiny app associated
* The R-Shiny app to test here
* The code of the R-shiny app
Peck Myron A., Arvanitidis Christos, Butenschön Momme, Canu Donata Melaku, Chatzinikolaou Eva, Cucco Andrea, Domenici Paolo, Fernandes Jose A., Gasche Loic, Huebert Klaus B., Hufnagl Marc, Jones Miranda C., Kempf Alexander, Keyl Friedemann, Maar Marie, Mahévas Stephanie, Marchal Paul, Nicolas Delphine, Pinnegar John K., Rivot Etienne, Rochette Sebastien, Sell Anne F., Sinerchia Matteo, Solidoro Cosimo, Somerfield Paul J., Teal Lorna R., Travers-Trolet Morgane, Van De Wolfshaar Karen E. (2016) Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: A critical review of the suite of modeling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, In press. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.019
Bajjouk Touria, Rochette Sebastien, Laurans Martial, Ehrhold Axel, Hamdi Anouar, Le Niliot Philippe (2015). Multi-approach mapping to help spatial planning and management of the kelp species L. digitata and L. hyperborea: Case study of the Molène Archipelago, Brittany. Journal Of Sea Research, 100, 2-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2015.04.004
Trancart Thomas, Rochette Sebastien, Acou Anthony, Lasne Émilien, Feunteun Éric (2014). Modeling marine shad distribution using data from French bycatch fishery surveys. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 511, 181-192. http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps10907
Lassalle Geraldine, Bourdaud Pierre, Saint-Beat Blanche, Rochette Sebastien, Niquil Nathalie (2014). A toolbox to evaluate data reliability for whole-ecosystem models: Application on the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food-web model. Ecological Modelling, 285, 13-21. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.04.002 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00188/29969/
* Model construction explanation
Nicolas Delphine, Rochette Sebastien, Llope Marcos, Licandro Priscilla (2014). Spatio-Temporal Variability of the North Sea Cod Recruitment in Relation to Temperature and Zooplankton. Plos One, 9(2), e88447. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0088447 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00181/29250/
Rochette Sebastien, Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau Joel, Rivot Etienne (2013). A hierarchical Bayesian model for embedding larval drift and habitat models in integrated life cycles for exploited fish. Ecological Applications, 23(7), 1659-1676. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/12-0336.1 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00161/27243/
* OpenBUGS code of the model
Rochette Sebastien, Huret Martin, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Coupling hydrodynamic and individual-based models to simulate long-term larval supply to coastal nursery areas. Fisheries Oceanography, 21(4), 229-242. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2419.2012.00621.x , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00085/19598/
Blanchet Aline, Dubois Stanislas, Hily Christian, Rochette Sebastien, Le Goaster Edouard, Guillou Monique (2012). Multi-decadal changes in two co-occurring ophiuroid populations. Marine Ecology-progress Series, 460, 79-90. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps09784 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00090/20136/
Cordier Mateo, Perez Agundez Jose A., O’Connor Martin, Rochette Sebastien, Hecq Walter (2011). Quantification of interdependencies between economic systems and ecosystem services: An input-output model applied to the Seine estuary. Ecological Economics, 70(9), 1660-1671. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.04.009 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00041/15222/
Gascuel D., Bez Nicolas, Forest Andre, Guillotreau P., Laloe F., Lobry Jeremy, Mahevas Stephanie, Mesnil Benoit, Rivot Etienne, Rochette Sébastien, Trenkel Verena (2011). A future for marine fisheries in Europe (Manifesto of the Association Francaise d’Halieumetrie). Fisheries Research, 109(1), 1-6. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2011.02.002 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00035/14598/
Kostecki Caroline, Rochette S., Girardin R., Blanchard Michel, Desroy Nicolas, Le Pape Olivier (2011). Reduction of flatfish habitat as a consequence of the proliferation of an invasive mollusc. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 92(1), 154-160. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.026 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00035/14641/
Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Morin Jocelyne, Mackinson S., Riou Philippe, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Effect of nursery habitat degradation on flatfish population: Application to Solea solea in the Eastern Channel (Western Europe). Journal Of Sea Research, 64(1-2), 34-44. Publisher’s official version : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2009.08.003 , Open Access version : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00008/11921/
Rochette Sebastien, Lobry Jeremy, Lepage Mario, Boet Philippe (2009). Dealing with uncertainty in qualitative models with a semi-quantitative approach based on simulations. Application to the Gironde estuarine food web (France). Ecological Modelling, 220, 122-132. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.09.017
* Model construction explanation
* Presentation of the paper is here
Phd thesis
S. Rochette (2011). Effect of anthropogenic perturbations on juvenile marine fish survival in nurseries and consequences on population renewal. Application to common sole (Solea solea) in the Eastern Channel, phD thesis, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 155 p., 201
Caillaud M., Petton S., Dumas F., Rochette S., Vasquez M. (2016). Rejeu hydrodynamique à 500 m de résolution avec le modèle MARS3D-AGRIF - Zone Manche-Gascogne. IFREMER. http://doi.org/10.12770/3edee80f-5a3e-42f4-9427-9684073c87f5