Script R pour calculer l’inverse d’une matrice de communauté
Ce script est le matériel supplémentaire de deux publications sur l’analyse des réseaux trophiques. Il permet de tester les incertitudes sur les effets directs et indirects de petites variations de biomasses d’un compartiment de réseau trophique sur le reste de l’écosystème.
Publications liées
Lassalle Geraldine, Bourdaud Pierre, Saint-Beat Blanche, Rochette Sebastien, Niquil Nathalie (2014). A toolbox to evaluate data reliability for whole-ecosystem models: Application on the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food-web model. Ecological Modelling, 285, 13-21. Publisher’s official version : , Open Access version :
Rochette Sébastien, Lobry Jeremy, Lepage Mario, Boet Philippe (2009). Dealing with uncertainty in qualitative models with a semi-quantitative approach based on simulations. Application to the Gironde estuarine food web (France). Ecological Modelling, 220, 122-132.
The associated presentation:
Inverse Matrix: an easy tool to test interactions in a trophic network
Construction de la matrice de communauté depuis un modèle Ecopath

Figure 1: Construction de la matrice de communauté depuis un modèle Ecopath
The R-code for the sensitivity analysis
The code is given for data stored in a three-sheet Excel file. The original matrix Q is stored in the “net_impacts” sheet and is obtained following steps (i) to (iv) described in Appendix C. The original matrix Q minus 20% is in the “Com_Min” sheet and the original matrix Q plus 20% in the “Com_Max” sheet. They all three give the net impact of a compartment in rows on the compartment in column.
#Specify the number of matrix Q to simulate
nb_mat <- 5000
#Connection to the Excel file and importation of the data
db <- "" #File path
channel <- odbcConnectExcel(xls.file = db)
Mini_Mat <- sqlFetch(
channel = channel,
##Name of the Excel source sheet with the original matrix Q minus 20%
sqtable = "Com_Min",
rownames = TRUE
Mini_Mat <- Mini_Mat[,-1]
Maxi_Mat <- sqlFetch(
channel = channel,
##Name of the Excel source sheet with the original matrix Q plus 20%
sqtable = "Com_Max",
rownames = TRUE
Maxi_Mat <- Maxi_Mat[,-1]
#Creation of two empty matrices to store the 5000 simulated Q and MTI matrices
nb_comp <- nrow(Mini_Mat)
strenght <- matrix(0,nrow=nb_comp,ncol=nb_comp*nb_mat)
strenght_adj <- matrix(0,nrow=nb_comp,ncol=nb_comp*nb_mat)
#Function to invert a matrix Q following Dambacher et al. (2002)
#With the following equation, the CM matrix must be invertible
#No compartment being only an input can be included in the model. Effect of an input may be regarded after the matrix has been inverted
#Compartment being only an output is allowed since the diagonal has been set to -1 for auto-regulation
make.adjoint2 <- function(CM,status=FALSE) {
adj2 <- (-1)* solve(CM)*det(- (CM))
#The resulting MTI matrix returns the effect of a positive perturbation in a compartment in rows on a compartment in column
#Simulation of the 5000 Q matrices by drawing q ij values from independent uniform distributions. Minimums and maximums for the distributions were defined according to Mini_Mat and Maxi_Mat
for(t in 1:nb_mat){
col_j <- (nb_comp*t)-nb_comp
for(i in 1:nb_comp){
for(j in 1:nb_comp){
strenght[i,j+col_j] <- runif(1,Mini_Mat[i,j],Maxi_Mat[i,j])
#Simulation of the 5000 MTI matrices using the make.adjoint2 function to invert the 5000 Q matrices
begin <- (nb_comp*t)-nb_comp + 1
end <- nb_comp*t
strenght_adj[,begin:end] <- make.adjoint2(strenght[,begin:end])
#Transformation of quantitative MTI values, with 1 for positive integers, 0 for nulls and -1 for negative integers
effect <- strenght_adj
for(i in 1:nb_comp){
for(j in 1:(nb_comp*nb_mat)){
if(strenght_adj[i,j]>0){effect[i,j] <- 1
} else {
if(strenght_adj[i,j]==0){effect[i,j] <- 0
effect[i,j] <- (-1)
#Counting for each intersection the number of positive, negative and null MTI values and storage into three summary matrices ( effect_po , effect_neg and effect_nul , respectively)
effect_pos <- matrix(0,ncol = nb_comp, nrow=nb_comp)
effect_neg <- matrix(0,ncol = nb_comp, nrow=nb_comp)
effect_nul <- matrix(0,ncol = nb_comp, nrow=nb_comp)
for(t in 1:nb_mat){
for(i in 1:nb_comp){
for(j in 1:nb_comp){
if(effect[i,(j+((t*nb_comp)-nb_comp))]==1){effect_pos[i,j] <- effect_pos[i,j]+1
} else {
if(effect[i,(j+((t*nb_comp)-nb_comp))]==(-1)){effect_neg[i,j] <- effect_neg[i,j]+1
} else {
effect_nul[i,j] <- effect_nul[i,j]+1
#For each intersection, sum of the three summary matrices should be equal to the number of simulations (here 5000). This test must return TRUE.
(sum(effect_neg + effect_pos + effect_nul - matrix(nb_mat,ncol=nb_comp,nrow=nb_comp)) == 0)
#Importation of the original Q matrix
Reference <- sqlFetch(
channel = channel,
#Name of the Excel source sheet with the original matrix Q
sqtable = "net_impacts",
rownames = TRUE
Reference <- as.matrix(Reference[,-1])
#Inversion of the original Q matrix resulting in the original MTI matrix
Reference <- make.adjoint2(Reference)
#Transformation of the original MTI matrix into three matrices. For a given intersection, if the original MTI value is positive (negative, null), it should be specified in the effect_pos_ref ( effect_pos_neg , effect_pos_nul ) matrix by putting the number of simulations (here 5000) at the corresponding intersection
effect_pos_ref <- matrix(0,nrow=nb_comp,ncol=nb_comp)
effect_neg_ref <- matrix(0,nrow=nb_comp,ncol=nb_comp)
effect_nul_ref <- matrix(0,nrow=nb_comp,ncol=nb_comp)
for(i in 1:nb_comp){
for(j in 1:nb_comp){
if(Reference[i,j] > 0){effect_pos_ref[i,j] <- nb_mat}
if(Reference[i,j] < 0){effect_neg_ref[i,j] <- nb_mat}
if(Reference[i,j] == 0){effect_nul_ref[i,j] <- nb_mat}
#For each intersection, calculation of the proportion of simulations with the same sign as in the original MTI matrix
#Proportion is the final matrix used in the paper to assess sensitivity of the MTIs to 20% uncertainty in the input data.
proportion <- matrix(0,ncol = nb_comp, nrow=nb_comp)
for(i in 1:nb_comp){
for(j in 1:nb_comp){
if(effect_pos_ref[i,j] == nb_mat){proportion[i,j] <-(effect_pos[i,j]/nb_mat)*100}
if(effect_neg_ref[i,j] == nb_mat){proportion[i,j] <-(effect_neg[i,j]/nb_mat)*100}
if(effect_nul_ref[i,j] == nb_mat){proportion[i,j] <-(effect_nul[i,j]/nb_mat)*100}
Citation :
Merci de citer ce travail avec :
Rochette Sébastien. (2015, juil.. 23). "Analyse de sensibilité de la matrice de communauté inverse". Retrieved from
Citation BibTex :
author = {Rochette Sébastien},
title = {Analyse de sensibilité de la matrice de communauté inverse},
url = {},
year = {2015}